Logo Casper CSPR

Efficient consensus with flexible finality

0.02988 -0.23%

What is Casper?

Casper is a permissionless, decentralised public blockchain offering a turing-complete smart contract platform backed with proof of stake consensus algorithm and WebAssembly (WASM). Casper uses Highway as its consensus protocol which enables higher threshold finality and flexibility. This protocol is based on the correct-by-construction Casper research by computer scientists at UC San Diego. In addition, Casper helps enterprise and developers accelerate their operations by introducing predictable network fees, upgradeable contracts, on-chain governance, privacy-flexibility and developer-friendly languages. 

CSPR is the native token in the Casper Network. Its main utility is to incentivise validators and stakers who contribute towards maintaining the blockchain. Validators are incentivised to behave honestly when validating the network and are penalised through slashing if they behave maliciously. There is no maximum supply of CSPR token as the total supply grows at a fixed annual percentage rate, thus it is an inflationary token. 

Casper Founders

Jack Mills, Medha Parlikar, Mrinal Manohar.

Casper Project Investors ($28.5M)

Draper Goren Holm, Acuitas Group Holdings, COINS GROUP, Megala Ventures, Mapleblock Capital, Arrington XRP Capital, MW Partners Group, Blockchange Ventures, Hashkey, AU21 Capital.

Casper Highlights

Footnote: [S]

Signals (Beta):  [Crash Level 0]  [Sharpe Ratio 0.01]