Logo DeFiChain DFI

Native decentralized finance for Bitcoin

0.059 +0.85%

What is DeFiChain?

DeFiChain is a decentralised finance service that is built on top of the bitcoin network. It provides financial services such as lending, wrapping tokens, asset tokenisations, exchanges and distribution of dividends. DeFiChain differentiates itself with other DeFi alternatives by implementing unique features such as using a scalable and energy conserving consensus, higher throughput for all transactions, minimal possibilities of attack by using a Turing-incomplete smart contract language and proven security and immutability by periodically anchoring to the bitcoin blockchain. 

The DFI Coin is the token that is used across the DeFiChain service. It is used for transactions, running smart contracts, loan collaterals and staking nodes. The DFI Coin also provides liquidity to the decentralised exchanges between crypto assets. Token holders will also be able to vote for the future direction of the DeFiChain.

DeFiChain Highlights

Footnote: [NS]

Signals (Beta):  [Crash Level 0]  [Sharpe Ratio -0.52]