Logo Mask Network MASK

The Portal to The New, Open Internet

3.478 -3.47%

What is Mask Network?

Mask Network is a Web3 browser extension on Web 2.0 sites like Facebook and Twitter. Mask Network brings decentralised features and applications on traditional social media, where users can still access familiar Web 2.0, but with the added benefits of Web 3.0 decentralisation. Through Mask Network, users will be able to access multiple features with decentralisation in mind such as secure and decentralised social messaging, payment networks, file storage and file sharing, all without compromising user experience on Web 2.0. Through Mask Network, users will be able to own and govern everything they provide to the network, including data, attention and virtual space. Mask Network also provides unique services such as Initial Twitter Offering (ITO) where digital assets can be launched for free on Twitter, and users can participate directly on the token launch. Users can easily trade crypto assets on their social media through pop-ups, all powered by decentralised exchanges and swaps. 

MASK is the native token within the MaskDAO, where MaskDAO governs the Mask Ecosystem. MASK holders have rights within the MaskDAO such as votings and proposals. To vote, MASK holders have to stake their token on proposal contracts during the voting period. A total of 100 million MASK was created initially, and will be distributed over a period of 3 years. 

Mask Network Founders

Suji Yan.

Mask Network Project Investors ($49.2M)

Binance, Hashkey, Josh Hannah, IOSG Ventures, Alenxander Pack, Balaji Srinivasan, Fundamental Labs, LongLing Capital, Digital Currency Group, Animoca Brands.


Signals (Beta):  [Crash Level 0]  [Sharpe Ratio 0.18]