Logo Mdex MDX

An automatic market-making decentralized exchange based on the concept of fund pools, integrating DEX, IMO/ICO and DAO

0.07854 +3.57%

What is Mdex?

Mdex is a decentralized cross-chain trading protocol that operates on Binance Smart Chain (BSC), Huobi Eco Chain (HECO) and Ethereum network. It uses automated market making (AMM) protocol that operates on liquidity pools, similar with other standard DEXs. Mdex use a dual-chain mechanism of liquidity and transaction mining to give higher reward for users. 

In order to provide users with access to high-quality assets, MDEX is building a decentralized finance (DeFi) platform that integrates decentralized exchange (DEX), Initial Mdex Offering (IMO), and Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO) to provide one-stop liquidity services and provide a more secure, safe, and reliable transaction process.

MDEX consist of five major sectors: Swap, Liquidity mining, Boardroom, IMO, and Fun Buyback.

Mdex Highlights

Footnote: [S]

Signals (Beta):  [Crash Level 1]  [Sharpe Ratio 0.16]