Logo Stellar XLM

An open network for storing and moving money

0.1115 -2.28%

What is Stellar?

Stellar is an open-source network for currencies and payments. It enables seamless and quick transfer of currencies globally. Typical money transfer across different countries are usually slow, high processing and transaction fees, and sometimes are blocked due to economic blockades and sanctions. Stellar provides a way for global payment system through tokenisation of not only fiat currencies, but also physical assets and services such as gold, silver and consultation hours. This is done through Anchor, a third-party platform that issue fiat token, and provide fiat on/off-ramp. 

XLM or lumen is the native currency for Stellar. Its utility is as an entry fee for enabling each account to have access of Stellar services. As Stellar is very easy to use, and low fees, it is exposed to bad behaviours and malicious actors. To prevent spamming on the network, each account is required to have a minimum of XLM, and small transaction fees is imposed for every transaction. There are 50 billion XLM in circulation with 30 billion XLM under the control of Stellar Development Foundation for future projects. 

Stellar Founders


Stellar Highlights

Source: stellar.org

Source: stellar.org

Source: stellar.org

Source: stellar.org

Footnote: [S]

Signals (Beta):  [Crash Level 0]  [Sharpe Ratio 0.0]